SANKUN has certified by BSCI
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SANKUN has certified by BSCI

Views: 51     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-04-07      Origin: Site

Sankun Electronic Te,chnology Co.,LTD has pass the certificate of BSCI and now a memeber of BSCI already in 2021


What is BSCI?

BSCI is an initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA), the leading business association of European and international commerce that brings together over 1,500 retailers, importers, brands and national associations to improve the political and legal framework for trade in a sustainable way. A common and standardized European approach for monitoring social standards, in all supplier countries for all consumer goods. It tries to involve all stakeholders in Europe and supplier countries so there are no issues of competition between countries, suppliers, and retailers.

BSCI audit team conducted a compliance audit on SANKUN, Including:

  1. Social Management System and Cascade Effect

  2. Workers involvement and Protections

  3. The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

  4. No Discrimination

  5. Fair Remuneration

  6. Decent Working Hours

  7. Occupational Health and Safety

  8. No Child Labour

  9. Special Protection for young workers

  10. No Precarious Employment

  11. No Bonded Labour

  12. Protection of the Environment

  13. Ethical Business Behaviour

By taking part in amfori BSCI members can:

  • Improve the social performance of their supply chain

  • Reduce cost and increase efficiency

  • Have a clear and consistent approach that highlights best practices

  • Improve the resilience of their business to industry and market changesi

  • Improve their businesses' reputation by meeting the expectations of your customers and stakeholders

Sankun has committed to providing our customers with high quality products from the very begining and at the same time, we are commited to providing greater and better working environment to our employees. However we are small, we have the power to change the world. 

More than 15 years of lighting experience since 2005
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